Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Does anyone have a walker I can borrow?

After 1 day of "commando" (fitness boot camp), I am officially too sore to walk. I am finding it very hard to make it up and down our steps.
Day 1 we found ourselves tackling the football bleachers. Let me tell you...(1) I am out of shape...but you already knew that, and (2) that is no easy challenge especially when I am sick with a sinus infection and can hardly breathe!
I am proud of myself that I did finish the workout, even though I felt like I wanted to vomit at any moment.
I am telling you all of this so that when you see me out and I am walking like I am in pain...I AM! But even though it will look like the pain is from hemorrhoids, IT IS NOT!!! Just those darn bleachers:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is awesome Haley! I am so proud of you. I wish I could enlist in a bootcamp and get my butt in shape quicker. Just know that I am behind you all the way girl! Keep it up.