Thursday, July 10, 2008

Making a change.........

As hard as the "economy" has been on so many people lately, I think our family has had a more positive hit. We are home more and together as a family more. I might feel differently tomorrow.
Today, I feel that I am determined to make FAMILY my number one priority again. It has always been very high on my list, but I am afraid that we have let "life" take over our family and influence what we do too much.
The rising costs of gas has made me think twice before just going out, and I have only made 1 Target trip since May. That right there is huge because that used to be a weekly and sometimes daily occurrence. I just could not get out of there with under $50 worth of goods, so I think it's best to just stay away.
I also have known for a while that we were eating out way more than we should and it had no longer become a treat like it was when I was a child. Now I love me some food, but I actually miss a plain old sandwich and just eating at home. Our food budget was just way out of control and it is my plan to take hold of it again!
I am also looking into ways to cut unnecessary costs around the house. If it weren't for the boys, I would cut the cable. I think that it would be so nice to not have to hear the sarcasm that my dear daughter has adopted from the Disney channel and the attitude that she thinks is cute. I think that my boys might not make it without their ESPN. That alone would save us $40.
I am also very close to cutting ties at one of my jobs. It costs way too much to drive to Nashville for 5 hours one time a week. I think that not going to Target will make up for what I won't be making there! I'm still praying and contemplating that decision.
If any of you have any ideas of other ways to save $$ then please share...We are not hurting for money, but I just want to be home more and plan ahead because we all know that things aren't going to get cheaper:(

1 comment:

sara e said...

now this is an area i know something about! i open the windows and turn the fans on at night (a.c. is expensive!!), and i eat a lot of leftovers. i also get my wireless internet from a neighbor :)
it's such a virtue to care about where you're putting your money, and you're doing such a good job of it! i'm really glad you're my sister.
i need help staying away from banana republic!