Saturday, December 29, 2007


So, we got the Wii from Santa and have had so much fun playing it. It really has been a great way to get the family to do things together. However, I think Len and I have a case of Wii-itis. For those who have not had a Wii experience it is pain caused from too much bowling. Our elbows and shoulders are very sore:) On another note, I am so happy that Christmas is now over. The decorations are down and the gifts have been put up. I love the holidays and have enjoyed the break, but we really do much better on a schedule.
Please say a quick prayer on Monday morning as I am having surgery. I am pretty nervous!


Wendy Worley said...

If you do not have Game Party, you need to go to Game Stop and purchase it. It's around $20. It has several different games, like darts, basketball shooting, and other carnival like games. We love it! It's sort of like the bowling game style. Have fun playing! Oh yeah, Big Brain Acad. is super fun too! ww

4mcknatt's said...

Thanks for the info! We will look into getting those. Maclaine is loving HSM sing along.