It is amazing how the day we got out of school the temperature seemed to immediately soar to the upper 80's and have extreme humidity. Anyway, that is just a sign of good ole summertime!
I am so ready for some down time this year, so here are my top memories of summers, both past and present:
1: Going to the lake and skiing all day long...eating all day long...then lying in bed at night and having the feeling that you are rocking with the waves!
2: Ballgames. Long ago, when Len and I were young and in luv, I would go and watch him play baseball with a Nashville league. That seems like ages was about 13 years ago! Now, I LOVE me some Franklin Force travel baseball. It is so exciting to smell the hotdogs cooking, see the eyeblack on, smell the sweat (hehe), and work on my redneck tan while yelling for my #10 to hit the ball hard and run fast!!
3: Freshly mowed grass. I just love that smell.
4: Swimming at the pool is the best babysitter in the world. It is so nice to be able to sit back, lather on the sunscreen and watch everyone wear themselves out. I like coming home after a couple of hours at the pool, getting everyone in the shower, putting our jammies on and just letting the sting from the chlorine burning their eyes lull my kiddos into naptime!!!
5: Staying up late and sleeping in. What is so nice about that one is just the lack of HAVING to be somewhere so early in the morning. We are all so much nice to be around when we awake naturally without the help of a pesky beep...beep...beeep...beep...beep...beep(told you it was pesky!)
6: Tan Cellulite: I know that this is stupid, but why is it that my fat always looks so much less bumpy with a tan? I know (or hope) that you all never have to see the areas I am speaking of, but you know that I am probably talking about you too! Why can't men suffer from this syndrome?
7: Sonic green apple slushes: These are my favorite summertime drink by far. My family will often pile in the car at night for happy hour and get our slush fix! Len and Laine want grape, Mason wants lime and the green apple goes to moi!
***If you drink a green apple slush...Always, always, always check your teeth as you are drinking it to make sure you are not ending up with green stained teeth. Of course I would know nothing of that!!***
8: Pedicures: Pure bliss.
That is all I have time for now, my delightful children are screaming at each other and running through the house...wonder where Len is?