Monday, July 9, 2007


So the trip is over and we had a blast. We extended the vacation as long as possible. Monday we went to Chattanooga and spent the night then headed to Atlanta for 2 days. We went to the Georgia Aqaurium and saw several fun July 4th festivities. On Thursday morning Len got us up at 4 am to head to South Carolina. I think he was more excited than the kids!! We got to Hilton Head that morning and played on the beach every day. The weather was amazing and the kiddos LOVED the ocean. They "boogie boarded" all day and then crashed early every night. We have finally figured out the secrets to traveling with children. 1. Leave very early(coming home we left at 1:45am and traveled all night while they slept. We were home by 9:30) 2. Each child gets their own portable DVD player (with headphones) and lots of new, unseen movies! 3. Mom and Dad got their own new toy...GPS system for the van!! Len and I are always guaranteed some good fights when travelling. I bought a GPS for the trip and "Mandy" got us exactly where we wanted to go!! (Mandy is the name of the voice I chose. Hehe)


Mindy said...

Sounds like so much fun. I am so glad you had a wonderful vacation. How hard is it to go back to work now???

Libby said...

Looks like you guys had a great vacation!! Keith just got a new GPS, and Jill gets us everywhere we need to go!