Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that I have a son and along with that means that as a mother I deal with all kinds of stains. Today, I am thankful for stain removal spray. I know this is ridiculous, but the sprays make getting those stubborn old stains out much easier. Anything that means less work for me is something I am thankful for!

I am also thankful for drive-thru fast food. I can also tell (b/c my pants are too tight) that I have been utilizing drive-thru way to much! Our days are super busy and we are never at home, so without this wonderful thing we would be hungry! On another note, without this we would be richer, skinnier, and my car would stay cleaner.

The last think that I am thankful for this week, is medication. I know that these are random things, but they have been huge in my week. As you know, last week a spider bit me in a less than convenient place. It was so infected and was extremely painful. It is amazing how just 48 hours of strong antibiotics and Lortab can make such a difference! Besides being pleasantly "drunk" on Lortab(just ask Laura about that!) the bite went away remarkably fast. I am thankful that we don't live in the early 1900's or that ole bite might have killed me. Think about childbirth without epidurals...oh my!!

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