Saturday, January 19, 2008

Funny Story

Last night, Maclaine and I were on our way home and we had the following conversation:
Maclaine: Hey Mom, do you know who Martin who the KIng is?
Me: yes, I do...but it is Martin Luther King.
Mac: No, it is not. My teacher called him Martin who the King.
Me: Oh, well who was he?
Mac: He was a black man who helped black people be able to sit on a bus and go eat with white people.
Me: You are so smart...way to listen in class.
Mac: Yeah, Martin who the king probably made God real happy.
Me: i bet you are right. We should treat everyone the same.
Mac: At least "c" and "b" (name withheld) aren't black...they are just brown.
Me: lol.
I just think it is so funny how kids can get names mixed up. It really does sound like that if you say it fast!