Saturday, May 31, 2008

Meet Squishy

So, I bet you thought I'd forgotten that I'd promised to post a photo of the rat! Well, I did sort of, but the real truth is my batteries in my camera have been dead for a while and I have just not taken the time to recharge them. This weekend I got out the camera and made up for lost time and took lots of photos.
Maclaine loves Squishy and I must say that we have (or I have) adjusted to him quite well, as he is very quiet and clean and doesn't require much attention (from me) like the dog does! I do think I might be allergic to the hay that he loves so very much and will do flips over, but thankfully there are drugs to help with that.
I just think it is so cute how he is so good around Maclaine, and really is very docile...or maybe he just thinks that the more boring he is to be around the less he will be played with...not sure yet!


Julie S said...

Squishy is so cute! I hope he doesn't poop on your couch.

Libby said...

I'm glad you're adjusting to Squishy!

Mindy said...

Very nice to finally meet Squishy. Very cute!

sara e said...

squishy is very resilient! and maclaine's french braid looks really good! did you do that??