Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The 8 Week Challenge

Well, I have once again rejoined LA Weight Loss. I am miserable right now because I am withdrawing from carbs and sugars. Those were my best friends:( Anyway, I am going to try very hard to get down at least 18 lbs by October 20th. I did it before and lets hope that I can do it again.
So, thanks to all my blogging friends who are getting super skinny from exercise and are my motivation!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

This made me think...try it!

I AM...always overwhelmed!

I WANT... my children to always be happy, safe and healthy

I HAVE... gained back too much weight.

I WISH I COULD... run a marathon

I HATE... that we don't have more financial security without me having having to work so much

I FEAR... for the future that my children will have growing up in this world. I also fear death

I HEAR...children in the lunchroom

I SEARCH... for contentment within myself

I DON'T THINK... I can get all that I need to get done done

I REGRET... Moving from our first house that was paid for.

I family and desserts!

I ACHE FOR... the days when my children were babies.I want to start over again!

I ALWAYS CRY... when I watch Father of the Bride and when I am frustrated

I AM NOT... at the weight I want to be

I DANCE... with Maclaine every chance I get

I SING... in the car and I really stink

I NEVER... go to bed without first taking a hot bath

I RARELY... ever have my house all clean at one time

I CRY WHEN I WATCH... Father of the Bride

I AM NOT ALWAYS... The Christian mother, wife, friend, etc that I should be

I HATE THAT... I don't know more about the Bible

I'M CONFUSED ABOUT... insurance plans right now!

I NEED... a long vacation with my family

I working right now:)

Monday, August 11, 2008

check this out....

We had some pictures taken this summer and now they are posted on her blog. Here is the link to check them out!
She did a great job (if I do say so myself!)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


After my Dad suffered his heart attack 2 years ago, he was unable to continue practicing dentistry. Once the boredom had set in, he took some pottery classes at the Rec center. We all joked about this so much and gave him a really hard time about becoming a potter. We never ever imagined that his pottery would be so beautiful. I am so excited for him and finally got to pick out my own pieces! Every time he would get ahead and stock up on his pieces, people would buy them all:) He has been very successful in this new endeavor and is selling his pieces quicker than he can make them! I just wanted to show you some of the pieces he has made.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008


You know I have been whining about all the "issues" we are facing currently. Well, to keep in line with everything going on....SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENED...

Earlier today, I needed Len to run an errand for me. He was so kind to offer and he took our dog for a ride too!
Fast forward....3 HOURS...
We are home and Maclaine has a fever spike and needs more Motrin. Len was going to run out to get that for us and was once again going to take the dog for a ride.
Well, the dog was not in the house.....YEP, He was still in the car.
Windows up about 98 degrees out. Total panic set it and Len got him out. That poor thing looked awful. We threw him in a cold water bath and called the vet. When I took his temp, it was steadily rising and when it quickly reached 108 degrees it was decided to take it out and get him help.
The vet was vey surprised that he made it through this. We thought he would surely die. Rest assured that after IV fluids and some bloodwork, that dog looks better than he did prior to all of this.
He is staying close by and not too sure about going out to pee, but other than that he is one lucky dog and we are very relieved that this had a good outcome!

This has got to end...

It is a fact that stress will kill you. I guess I will find out how true that is.
My grandparents are doing okay and coming back home from Jackson this weekend. We have hospice and a sitter set up to help with their care.
Today, I found out that my Dad is going to the hopital Monday for another heart cath and possible open heart surgery on Tuesday. I think he will end up having this surgery since his stents keep occluding and causing heart pain.
My sweet daughter also woke up this morning with a fever and feels yucky.
All of this as Len and I are to start school Monday. I am worried about the stress my Mom is going through and what this next week will hold.

..much better now:)..
Please keep us in your prayers.