Sunday, August 10, 2008


After my Dad suffered his heart attack 2 years ago, he was unable to continue practicing dentistry. Once the boredom had set in, he took some pottery classes at the Rec center. We all joked about this so much and gave him a really hard time about becoming a potter. We never ever imagined that his pottery would be so beautiful. I am so excited for him and finally got to pick out my own pieces! Every time he would get ahead and stock up on his pieces, people would buy them all:) He has been very successful in this new endeavor and is selling his pieces quicker than he can make them! I just wanted to show you some of the pieces he has made.


Unknown said...

How beautiful! I am so impressed! And what treasures for you to have by him that your kids will love having too one day with great stories behind them!

I hope your strep goes away fast Haley! Hang in there!:)

Libby said...

Those are beautiful!!

Mindy said...

They are beautiful!! I want some!! You need to have a pottery party for us!!