Friday, August 1, 2008

This has got to end...

It is a fact that stress will kill you. I guess I will find out how true that is.
My grandparents are doing okay and coming back home from Jackson this weekend. We have hospice and a sitter set up to help with their care.
Today, I found out that my Dad is going to the hopital Monday for another heart cath and possible open heart surgery on Tuesday. I think he will end up having this surgery since his stents keep occluding and causing heart pain.
My sweet daughter also woke up this morning with a fever and feels yucky.
All of this as Len and I are to start school Monday. I am worried about the stress my Mom is going through and what this next week will hold.

..much better now:)..
Please keep us in your prayers.


Wendy Worley said...

You & your family are in our prayers.

Julie S said...

I feel ya sista! Glad the dog lived.