Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I feel like I have been so out of touch lately. As with most families, spring time means that life gets too hectic.
Mason is playing travel and rec baseball for the Franklin Force. He is doing so well and plays second base. It is so much fun going to those games now that we are out of the "everybody wins" stage. That whole concept bothers is just not the way life works. Oh well, that's another post.
Len is very busy with work and baseball for his high school team. He umpires on the side and coaches Mason's team as well. So, we never see him.

Maclaine is turning 6 today! I cannot believe that she is ending her kindergarten year. It seems like Laura Meade and I should still be in the hospital giving birth! It is amazing how those girls have grown! I am so proud of both of my children, but especially proud of the fact that we have made it through school without getting into trouble...Woohoo!

Today is administrative professionals day and my great boss bought me tulips and is taking us to lunch! The children keep bringing us cards and giving those great hugs. I am so blessed to have this job. The kids are so sweet.

Hopefully as school winds down, we will be making it to church more often and be more involved. Thanks for everyone's friendship, kind words, concern and help. It is much appreciated.


Mindy said...

Happy Birthday Maclaine!!

Those hectic days are crazy!! It will get better!!

Love You!!

Wendy Worley said...

Happy Birthday Maclaine! Few more weeks until Summer!!!

Julie S said...

Don't wait so long to blog again, they make me laugh!

Julie S said...

I enjoyed getting to chat with you lastnight at Drew's game! Can I put your link on my blog?

Unknown said...

You and Len are doing an incredible job with your kids! They are both so very their parents. Love ya'll, Julie C