Saturday, September 13, 2008

Was it her?

For those of you who do not know, our school is located in an old, old house dating back to the 1800's. It is very beautiful and full of history. The story goes that the Cox family who built the house had a 3 year old daughter who died in the home.

When I began working there, they absolutely terrified me with all of their ghost stories. It is so crazy because the computer I use even has an Excel folder of Lower Shool Ghost sightings. The last supposed sighting was last year on September 12th. The ghost was seen in the cafeteria refrigerator. I know you think this is crazy, I did too. Well, I was the first to school everyday last year and I will say that I never had any paranormal experiences. Thus, I did not believe there was such a thing.

Fast forward one year...

This week, Spetember 11th, I was in our teacher lounge and heard crying, more like sobbing. I put down what I was doing and went to another room looking for whomever was hurt. NO ONE WAS THERE. I then went into the clinic and one again...EMPTY. At the same time our guidance counselor came around the corner looking for who was crying. The other nurse and I walked down the hall by the clinic and this time both of us heard a child crying (it was more high pitched). After that happened we were all stunned and confused. We walked into the cafeteria and looked around, asking if anyone had been crying. They looked at us as though we weere crazy.

So, my question is...Do you believe in ghosts? I am not sure if I do yet or not, but this is definitely making me wonder if all this time I've been wrong and she really does haunt the school.

I think it is strange that these occurences were almost exactly 1 year apart. I have all the house info in my files and have been trying to research more about the family.

Do you think that crying was the mother and child?


Grace and Fam said...

Wow...Not sure but after reading this it is very strange. Keep us updated :)

Take care, beth

Unknown said...

Spooky! I have a best friend in GA who says she knows she saw a ghost run in front of her car on their dirt road that others said they had seen too. A slave escaping that was later caught. Makes you wonder.....

sara e said...

This just gave me chills!